Enverge EasySeal.5 spray foam insulation is a spray-applied, 双组份, open cell polyurethane foam insulation system. The product is formed by the reaction of a proprietary resin blend and polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. The resin blend is comprised of polyols, 添加剂, fire retardants and blowing agents. The spray applied nature of EasySeal.5 spray foam allows the material to flow into voids and seal cracks, expanding to form a seamless thermal envelope. EasySeal.5 is an air barrier, with high yield and high R-value (热流阻力).




Walls Attics Ceilings
Crawlspaces* Ducts
Interior Applications
* Ventilated in low humidity environments

Key Attributes:
Prooperty Test Method EasySeal .5

Apparent Density ASTM D-1622 0.5 磅/英尺3 (名义)
R-value (老)                            ASTM C-518 (75°F mean)                                3.8 R/in*
Compressive Strength ASTM D-1621 < 5 磅/英寸2
Closed Cell Content ASTM D-6226< 10% (卷。)
Fungi Resistance ASTM C-1338 No Growth
Air Permeance ASTM E-2178 < 0.002 升/秒-米2
Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E-96 23 perm-in
尺寸稳定性, -40°F ASTM D-2126<5%
尺寸稳定性, +200°F ASTM D-2126 <5%
Dimensional Stability ASTM D-2126<5%
(+158F ° & 100%RH)           
Ignition Barrier ICC AC377 Appendix X Pass DC315 4 mils wft
Thermal Barrier NFPA 286 Pass DC315 14 mils wft



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Enverge EasySeal Technical Data Sheet

Enverge EasySeal ISO A-Component Safety Data Sheet

Enverge EasySeal Resin B-Component Safety Data Sheet