
通用绝缘有限公司. 承诺对准确性的承诺 我们业务的方方面面。 这是第一次通过培训和装备我们所有地点的每一位员工的知识来实现的, 技能, 并有能力为供应链的各个方面提供出色的服务。 第二, 也是保持我们对准确性的承诺的最重要部分之一, 正在倾听我们的客户, 供应商, 和员工。 我们欢迎并赞赏所有问题, 评论, and suggestions as we strive to improve and become the world’s distributor of choice. Please feel free to send us your feedback below using the Customer Feedback feature at the top of the page.

Our Mission

We, at General Insulation Company, will strive to be the distributor of choice to our present and future customers and the company our employees want to come to work for each day. 我们将互相挑战,互相学习。 我们会听的, discuss, disagree, solve our problems, 在没有政治或恐惧的情况下前进。 我们将拥抱变革带来的增长机会。 有疑问时, 我们将接触内部的资源。 我们将以我们的良心为指导,总是做"正确的事情",” asking ourselves, “is this ethical, legal, and would I want this done to me?”  We will stay focused, determined, committed, and we will avoid complacency at all costs.
