7月GIC核心价值观得主 2023 艾伦·莫斯吗, 内部销售代表 – 克利夫兰, 哦!


祝贺 Allen Moss, 克利夫兰内部销售代表, OH branch for being July’s Core Values Award WinnerThis monthly award goes to an employee who has displayed GIC’s Core Values, Intelligence, 正直, and Intensity. We had some incredible nominations from managers, peers, and even customers. Thank you to all those who submitted nominations as well as the nominees, this is another great reminder that the best part of GIC is its people.

“Allen transitioned from Warehouse Manager to inside sales and has taken it all in stride. He has earned the respect of all customers and comes in every day with a positive outlook, not only in his person but with his job. You will not find a person with a bigger heart. He is a huge part of why the Cleveland branch continues to grow.”

祝贺, 艾伦! 您的辛勤工作和对一般绝缘的奉献精神已被注意到. 我们为您的成就感到自豪; 我们期待您的持续成功,并感谢您展示我们的核心价值观!

核心价值观, 七月 2023
GIC领导力学院集团继续“突破卓越”’ 在帕洛阿尔托, CA
MANSON INSULTION的高性能产品提供温度和湿度控制最重要的结果
