敬业而珍惜的GIC员工史蒂夫·博宁(STEVE BONNIN)在与癌症的勇敢斗争后平静地进行评估

新帖子, 新闻, 新闻

史蒂夫·博宁, 海厄茨维尔GIC的外部销售员, MD, 对于过去 12+ 年份, 12月5日逝世. Steve was beloved by his customers for his knowledge and commitment to helping in every way possible. His presence will be missed by all those who had the pleasure of knowing him over the years. The following quote from a customer speaks volumes about Steve’s character and how devoted he was to General Insulation.

I used to deal with Steve Bonnin a lot, but in the last year and half have shifted away from his market, so I had not been in contact with him as much. But even still, he normally would reach out every month or so just to say hey. I realized I hadn’t heard from him in quite a while, so I reached out to him yesterday, and he broke the terrible news to me. It was truly heart breaking to hear. Steve has always been there when needed and is a pleasure to talk to and spend time with.

Steve’s family is in our thoughts and prayers.

曼森 7% 所有商业价格上涨, 工业, 空气处理, & 1月生效的特种绝缘产品 12, 2024
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