拉里·墨菲, FIOX总裁


拉里是通用绝缘公司 FIOX 分部的总裁. FIOX 代表制造, 工业, OEM, 和出口. Larry is a senior executive with extensive knowledge in all areas that the FIOX business services. Larry joined General Insulation Company in 1984 during GIC’s inception as a single location in Somerville, 马萨诸塞州. Previously, Larry worked as an insulation installer in the mechanical insulation business for various types of construction projects, including commercial and industrial jobs that included the power generation industry as well as nuclear plants. Larry also served the Johnson Companies as its operation manager in the Boston location where he gained knowledge of the fabrication and OEM industry while selling mechanical devices to the marine, 造纸厂, and other large industrials.

Follow the link to view Larry Murphy’s listing in the Boston Business Journal.

戴夫 · 里昂, 东北地区副总裁
马克·奥尼尔, 商业产品总裁
